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The School Rules

  1. Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, modesty and cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each pupil.
  2. No pupil should be absent from the class without leave of absence from Parents or Guardians for genuine reason. In case of prolonged illness, the Principal should be informed. No child who has been absent from the class will be allowed unless he/she brings a note from the Parent or Guardian stating the reason.
  3. Irregular attendance at school, habitual laziness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, in or outside the school compound is sufficient reason for the dismissal of a pupil.
  4. Every pupil shall be present at the assembly in the morning.
  5. All pupils must come to school in their school uniform. They can wear colour dress on their Birthdays.
  6. During the absence of the teacher student shall not leave the class room and make noise. They will listen to the monitor’s instruction and keep silence in the class.
  7. Any pupil coming habitually late may not enter the class room unless he/she brings to the teacher a note from the principal.
  8. No Student should spoil the furniture or make dirty the walls. Writing or drawing on the walls and furniture is strictly forbidden.
  9. Students should take care of their own things, books, pencils, umbrella, tiffin-carriers etc. Teachers are not responsible for the loss of anything. It must be marked with the name of the owner. It is not advisable for a pupil to wear gold ornaments, to have money or valuable articles with him/her. The school management will not be responsible for the loss of those valuables.
  10. Once a student comes to school, he will not be allowed to go home in between the workings hours. No half day leave will be granted for any reason. Sick students should not be forced to attend the school.
  11. No pupil will be allowed to leave the school during class time with the servants or others, unless letter from his/her Parents/ Guardian is produced to the Principal.
  12. Those who have not paid due fees will not be admitted to the Terminal and Final Examination.
  13. Every pupil must possess a copy of the Handbook which is to be brought to the class on all the school days.
  14. For breach of any school rule a pupil may be fined or punished at the discretion of the principal.